How to Stop Toddlers From Biting
Has it ever crossed your mind whether or not you have vampire blood? Kidding aside, have you ever wondered why your toddler can’t seemingly stop from biting anyone around her? Well, there’s no need to actually worry because toddler biting is normal. Yup, it’s perfectly normal, but we cannot just stand in the corner and let them bite anyone they want to!
Since toddler biting can be disturbing, annoying, and embarrassing, we need to be proactive in dealing with such circumstances. In order to stop our children from doing it, let us first understand the reasons why toddlers frequently bite almost anything and anyone then discuss the possible solutions:
1.Teething Pains
One of the most common reasons for infants and toddler biting is because of teething pains. Growing new teeth can be really painful for babies who have not yet developed maximum tolerance for physical pain. Once new teeth form, our babies would usually seek comfort by biting anything around them.
What can you do?
Make sure that you have the right tools to relieve them of teething pains. The most convenient thing that you can have to prevent her from biting random things and people is a teething ring. You can have a couple of teething rings stored in your fridge so that you can easily grab a cool ring whenever your child starts to become uncomfortable and fidgety from pain.
2. Too Much Interest in the Environment
When your child was born, you surely have noticed that one of the basic exploratory movements that she has done was sucking, right? Your child explores the world through her senses. She may be biting and putting objects in her mouth in order to know more about the world.
What can you do?
Talk to your toddler, and tell her about the need to stop biting random stuff. Unlike infants, toddlers can be much more receptive to our words. They can now make sense of conversations, thus it is best to explain to her that biting should not be done.
3. Excitement for Reactions
From 1 to 10, would you be able to gauge the level of curiosity of your little child? For most parents, they would even exaggerate the answer and say that it’s over a hundred! Toddler biting is actually one of the means by which our children express their curiosity. They could excitingly bite you and eagerly wait for your reaction. Once you scream “ouch,” then you might see them giggle with an intention to repeat biting. Don’t get mad at them. They are just curious little souls who are excited to see varying reactions.
What can you do?
Again, speak with your child about the way that biting hurts you or other people. Even if she seems unable to comprehend, be patient in explaining to her. Do not attempt to bite back thinking that it would make her feel the pain and start realizing the consequences of her actions. Remember that children love to mimic the people around them. If your biting back becomes a practice in your family, then your toddler would most likely continue doing it.
4. Longing for Attention
Most toddlers can be very clingy. They would always want to have you by their side. Some of them turn to negative behavior such as biting just to get the attention of their parents.
What can you do?
If your toddler loves to biting, that’s not because she is a bad person. Toddlers still have not developed their moral compass to understand what’s good or bad. You have the responsibility to prevent her from biting by giving her enough attention. Set aside bonding times with your child like story-telling and playing. It would also be nice to make an effort to know whether she is feeling sad or irritated to effectively address the problem.
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